May 15-16, 2025
Presented by The Autism Council of Utah & ScenicView Academy
Event Information
Specific information pertaining to the schedule will be released in the coming months. Here’s a general overview of what to expect. AutCon takes place on the ScenicView Academy campus in Provo, Utah.
Thursday, May 15
10 AM-8 PM
10 AM-10:45 Check-In
10:45 Keynote
12-1 Lunch
1-5 PM Concurrent sessions
5-8 Snacks & Activities
"Being part of AutCon was huge for myself and my team. Despite recognizing I was likely autistic back in elementary school, like many of my generation I didn’t get diagnosed until fairly recently. This was the first ‘for autists’ event I’d ever been to, and it was so validating to be around people like me."
Friday, May 16
10 AM-8 PM
10 AM-10:45 Check-In
10:45 Keynote
12-1 Lunch
1-5 PM Concurrent sessions
5-8 Snacks & Activities
Want to know what AutCon is like? Explore the About Menu to learn why AutCon exists, what to expect, and to see past presentations.
Support this unique event,
Become A Sponsor Today!
Kari Bushman
Community Engagement Officer
ScenicView Academy
(801) 342-3463
ScenicView Academy is a 501 (c) (3) public charity, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Fed Tax I.D. Number 20-3604973)
Gold Sponsors ($5000)
Logo Featured prominently on event materials, website, and signage
Half page ad in event program
Booth space at the event
Social media mentions before and after the event
Speaking or activity session opportunity
Logo placement on event T-shirt
Opportunity to distribute promotional items at the event
Large room naming rights
Shared event screen logo placement
Silver Sponsors ($3000)
Logo placement on website and T-shirt
Quarter page ad in event program
Social media mentions prior to the event
Opportunity to distribute promotional items at the event
Booth at the event
Small room naming
Bronze Sponsors ($1000)
Logo placement on website and T-shirt
Booth space at the event
Logo and mention in event program
Prize table signage