Past PResentations
Relationships: Yes You C.A.N!
Creating meaningful, lasting relationships is a challenge for everyone, but it can be especially challenging for those of us on the autism spectrum. Before you give up on “people-ing”, learn some simple systems for connecting effectively with others and strengthening the relationships in your life. Review concepts like the Friendship Hierarchy, non-verbal communication, and reciprocity, and renew your hope that you CAN have the kinds of relationships you want!
Samantha Easter - Autistic and Employable: How to Outshine the Competition
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Marriage Panel 2023
A panel of five couples with one or both partners on the autism spectrum share how they have navigated their relationship and autism.
Reddit IRL Panel 2023
Reddit has all the answers, and this panel is like Reddit but IRL. This panel of AutCon trailblazers are willing to let you AMA (ask them anything) about any topic. We save it until the end because it's simultaneously one of the most interesting and entertaining panels of the event.
Seven Rules for MY Life: Damein Rodriguez
Young adulthood can be scary. There is nothing more intimidating than being thrust into a chaotic world, where every decision you make has implications for the rest of your life. Nobody ever figures it out, and you won’t either, but life will turn out better than you ever could have imagined if you stick to your principles and commit to becoming better every day. Dr. Damian Rodriguez shares some of the rules that have helped him overcome his greatest obstacles.
Dragon Slaying 101
Struggle is a universal human experience. Each of us faces unique challenges and we don’t always get a say in what those challenges are. But what really matters is what we choose to do in the face of adversity. To face your dragons head on (or rather) to take responsibility for your own life, is an act of true heroism. You may not save the world. But even if the only life you save is your own, It's worth it. Because each of us has something of value to offer this world. And whether you realize it or not, the world is a much better place with you in it.
Autism & Sexuality 2019
Among all the research and discussion of issues related to Autism Spectrum Disorders, one subject is consistently overlooked: sexuality. And yet, despite our developmental delays, autistic people are still people—with the same hormones, same urges, and same physical development; and who face the same decisions that neurotypicals do. It might seem awkward or unpleasant to address sexual issues, but ignoring the subject is neither helpful nor possible. In this presentation, participants will learn both the critical importance of basic sexual education and a host of tips and topics across the lifespan.
Nonverbal Communication—It’s What we DON’T Say!
Up to 93% of communication is non-verbal; meaning that the actual words we use are only a very small part of what we’re conveying when we interact with other people. Come learn the difference between making verbal mistakes, and making nonverbal mistakes—and how it’s usually these nonverbal errors that end up creating the misunderstandings that cost individuals with autism jobs and friendships. All four areas of nonverbal communication will be explained and illustrated, and basic systems for nonverbal success will be shared.
LGBTQ+ Panel AutCon 2018
Researchers, are beginning to find a strong correlation between the autism spectrum and being on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Join our panelists as they discuss topics like finding a date, discussing autism with a partner, finding their communities, and other intersections of being on multiple spectrums.
Getting and Keeping a Job when on the Spectrum
Studies show that only 1 in 3 of those of us on the Spectrum have a job, and only about 1 in 5 of us hold down a "normal" job. And yet, there is nothing inherent in autism that should make it so difficult to find and keep employment-- especially when our strengths are taken into consideration! Jared Stewart, M.ED, discusses facts, tips, and practical systems for interviewing, disclosure, and navigating the all-important (but often unwritten) social rules of the workplace.
Autism and Roleplaying Games
Do you like RPGs? Josh Olivas shares how your skills in Role Playing Games can help you navigating life as an individual with autism in a neurotypical centered world.