AutCon 2025
May 15 -16, 2025
Dr. ingrid Boveda
Dr. Ingrid Boveda received her Master's and Doctoral degrees from the University of Utah, and specializes in assessment and diagnoses in clinically complex cases, particularly those involving neurodevelopmental differences. She is the founding psychologist at The Hive Psychological Services, a premier and neurodivergent-informed psychological testing practice, as well as the Co-Founder of COGenuity, which provides qEEG and neurofeedback services nationally.
"Dr. B" as she is often called, identifies as neurodivergent, and much of her work is rooted in helping clients and their families better understand their unique profile of strengths and struggles, understanding that some of these struggles need to be contextualized in societal norms of normality.
Dr. B personally understands what it feels like when all the pieces do not connect despite trying one's best. She is intent on shifting society's paradigm of how we help neurodivergent individuals, and is passionate about working with families and educating providers, educators, and support persons towards these efforts.
Event Information
Specific information pertaining to the schedule will be released in the coming months. Here’s a general overview of what to expect. AutCon takes place on the ScenicView Academy campus in Provo, Utah.
Thursday, May 15
10 AM-8 PM
10 AM-10:30 AM Check-In
10:45-11:45 AM Keynote
12-12:45 PM Lunch
1-4:30 PM Concurrent sessions
5-8 PM Snacks & Activities
Friday, May 16
10 AM-8 PM
10 AM-10:30 AM Check-In
10:45-11:45 AM Session 1
12-12:45 PM Lunch
1-4:30 PM Concurrent sessions
5-8 PM Snacks & Activities
Want to know what AutCon is like? Explore the About Menu to learn why AutCon exists, what to expect, and to see past presentations.
Support this unique event,
Become A Sponsor Today!
Kari Bushman
Community Engagement Officer
ScenicView Academy
(801) 342-3463
ScenicView Academy is a 501 (c) (3) public charity, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Fed Tax I.D. Number 20-3604973)
Gold Sponsors ($5000 or more) will receive logo placement on all advertising leading up to the event, signage and verbal recognition at the event, logo placement in the event program, and on event T-shirt
Silver Sponsors ($3000) will receive verbal recognition at the event, logo placement in the event program, and on the event T-shirt.
Friend of ScenicView Academy ($500) will receive logo placement in the event program and at the event.